You have heard it said that small business is the lifeblood of the local economy. That is absolutely true in Parker! As you look around Parker, you see locally owned and locally known businesses. You can walk in to the chocolate shop and know that is a family that lives in Parker and contributes to the community. You can walk in to the bank and know that the leadership lives right here in Parker. You can walk in to your local jewelry story, restaurant, smoothie shop, framing shop, or bookstore and know they have watched Parker grow.
We love our small town feel, and that comes from the women, men and families that have invested their dreams in the Town of Parker. Now, we love the convenience of the "big box" and there are just things we can get there that we can't get in anywhere else - and there is nothing wrong with that. These corporations have also made an investment in our community and we are grateful.
I encourage you all, as you look for that unique birthday, wedding or special gift, take a moment and search where you can get that right in the Town of Parker. Not only do your tax dollars stay right here, but you get to support your neighbor and (possibly) your new friend!
The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the Town Council's positions or opinions.